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In this episode, Lorenzo shares his inspiring journey from his early days with Arquimia in Spain to becoming a pivotal figure in Miami’s burgeoning tech & crypto landscape.

We discuss the nuances of succeeding as a founder in Web3, and the importance of perseverance, adaptability, and community-building. Lorenzo’s journey illustrates the shift from Web2 to Web3, providing listeners with a roadmap for building Web3 companies that last. Lorenzo offers practical advice for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to make their mark in crypto.

Episode Outline and Highlights

[00:03] Lorenzo’s Story

[14:11] Essential Traits for Startup Success

[24:14] Leadership for Founders

[34:56] Building Strategic Assets for Startups

[40:03] Success Factors in Startup Ecosystems

[51:57] Shifting from Web2 to Web3

Leadership in Web3

Lorenzo emphasizes that transitioning from Web3 to Web3 requires a new set of leadership skills. This includes not only understanding the technological nuances but also fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation within teams. Lorenzo’s insights underscore the need for Web3 startups to be led by visionaries who can guide their teams through the fog of uncertainty while staying focused on producing real value.

Building a Sustainable Startup Ecosystem

Lorenzo also sheds light on the importance of cultivating a robust startup ecosystem, particularly in the realm of blockchain technology. He argues that successful ecosystems are built on the foundation of strong networks, community engagement, and a willingness to share knowledge and resources. Accelerators and incubators play a critical role in this process, offering not just funding but mentorship and strategic guidance.

Lorenzo points out that while timing and luck are factors in a startup’s success, being part of a supportive ecosystem can significantly enhance a startup’s chances of thriving. By learning from past successes and failures within the community, entrepreneurs can better navigate the challenges of the Web3 landscape and create lasting impact.


Speaker 1 00:00:03

Welcome to the Blockchain Startup Show with

Speaker 1 00:00:05

Harrison Wright, a podcast dedicated to

Speaker 1 00:00:08

dauntless blockchain leaders building our

Speaker 1 00:00:09

new decentralized future.

Speaker 1 00:00:12

You'll hear stories, successes, trials and

Speaker 1 00:00:14

tribulations as we channel into the lives

Speaker 1 00:00:16

of high-performing leaders in crypto and

Speaker 1 00:00:18


Speaker 1 00:00:20

Whether you're currently a Web3 founder or

Speaker 1 00:00:21

leader, or you one day aspire to be, you'll

Speaker 1 00:00:24

gain crucial knowledge and insights to

Speaker 1 00:00:26

accelerate your learning curve, handle this

Speaker 1 00:00:28

industry's greatest challenges and make the

Speaker 1 00:00:31

impact you've always dreamed of.

Harrison Wright:

Hello and welcome to the Blockchain Startup

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

I'm your host, harrison Wright.

Harrison Wright:

I'm delighted to welcome today our special

Harrison Wright:

guest, lorenzo DiLeo.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo is a veteran of venture building.

Harrison Wright:

He's been building startups for over 10

Harrison Wright:

years now, much of that time in Web3.

Harrison Wright:

And currently he serves as managing partner

Harrison Wright:

at Roca and also partner at Rayo Capital,

Harrison Wright:

and the theme of the show being all about

Harrison Wright:

understanding the blueprint for a

Harrison Wright:

successful crypto startup and what that

Harrison Wright:

looks like, I'm really excited to talk to

Harrison Wright:

you, lorenzo, about your learnings from

Harrison Wright:

working with so many teams over the years

Harrison Wright:

and the patterns you must have identified.

Harrison Wright:

Thank you, I'm excited to be here.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Thank you for having me, Harrison.

Harrison Wright:

It's my pleasure, Absolutely.

Harrison Wright:

You know there's tons of things I want to

Harrison Wright:

dive into, but maybe, before we go deep,

Harrison Wright:

would you mind giving us just a little part

Harrison Wright:

of history how you came to be involved with

Harrison Wright:

startups and then with crypto.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Yeah sure.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: History, how you came to be involved with

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: startups and then with crypto?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Yeah sure.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Let's say I took my first steps into the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: startup, the company building world and the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: tech world back in Spain.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I'm from Italy, but I lived in Spain for a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: bunch of years and I was part of a company

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: called Arquimia, which was an aerospace

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: company, and I was working on technology

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: transfer projects, meaning finding

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: applications in the real world, let's say,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: in other industries, of the technologies

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that the company was developing as part of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: their R&D activities in aerospace, right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So I basically had to invent new products

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: or figuring out new business models so that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: we could use those very expensive

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: technologies in application with a more

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: massive approach.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And so that's when I kind of got into this

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: idea of okay, well, what is the value

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: proposition, why would people use this

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: product versus the other product, or how

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: can we monetize it?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So that's when I started.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It was about, I would say, a little bit

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: over 15 years ago.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And then, in 2013, I moved to Miami and I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: met my partners at Rocker.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So they had just started Rocker, which is a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: venture builder.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Aka, we work with entrepreneurs, we work

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: with investors, we work with corporations

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and we help them build new ventures

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: literally from scratch.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So we validate the idea, we put together

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the team, we build the product, we launched

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it, we validated it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: We built over 50 tech-based startups over

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the past 10 years.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I've been honored to be part of that team

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and managing a lot of resources, strategies,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: but also tech people and getting into this

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: company building.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: As part of Rocker.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I then launched the educational vertical

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it's called 10xU with the idea of opening

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: up the methodology and say, hey, instead of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: hiring me to build your own startup so I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: can teach you, and then you go out and use

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: what I know, what I learned, the best

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: practices, the methodologies and tools, and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you apply it to your own startup.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So it was kind of like a way to scale our

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: approach, and so we did that.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And then, finally, we added the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: accelerators, which is kind of like a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: hybrid if you think about it, and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: accelerator means I'm not going to do it

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: for you, but I'm definitely going to work

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: with you in a deeper way compared to just

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: me teaching you how to do it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So I'm going to kind of like be your

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: co-pilot for, let's say, three months and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I'm going to co-build your company for a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: certain amount of time as your co-pilot, if

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you want.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So that's the experience.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And then, lastly, last year I started this

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: new venture with Rio Capital, a project led

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: by Christian Marwais, and the idea was

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: basically to continue with that like

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: supporting specifically in the Web3 space,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: initially with an accelerator and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: eventually with a VC fund.

Harrison Wright:

Fantastic, quite a journey.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Quite a journey.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: A lot of startups that either we build, we

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: accelerate it or I mentor.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I literally review hundreds, potentially a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: thousand decks every year of startups that,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: whatever reason because of one of the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: accelerators that I run or because of one

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: of the educational programs that I run, you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: know they submit their text, try to get in.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I do a lot of training, advising, right, so

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I'm constantly working with startups and I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: love it, right, I love it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I love the space, I love the energy,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: especially in Web3, right, maybe I forgot

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: to mention that since 2021, I've

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: specifically focused on Web3.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I did a couple of accelerator programs for

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the Alground Foundation, I worked with the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Moonbeam Foundation and now I'm doing stuff

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: for Radio Capital.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So that was when I'm involved in Web3,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: meaning I was already doing Web3 stuff on

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: my own.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But that's when I started to actually work

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: with big clients, large organizations in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the space, and that's an amazing journey,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: right, because Web3 is such a cool, growing

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: space space.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So if you add a growing technology to the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: creativity and the energy of startup

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: founders, that's a great mix.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So I'm super happy to be in this space.

Harrison Wright:

Yeah, I know we're dividing a little off

Harrison Wright:

the topic of founders now, but something I

Harrison Wright:

appreciate about working in Web3 is and

Harrison Wright:

I've been a recruiter for over 15 years now

Harrison Wright:

a few different industries.

Harrison Wright:

In other industries people are most people,

Harrison Wright:

even people that are quite good at their

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

They kind of see the job as a means to an

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

For the most part Not everyone but

Harrison Wright:

fundamentally I got a little don't announce

Harrison Wright:

the right term but I got a little jaded by

Harrison Wright:

recruiting after a while because I was

Harrison Wright:

always very idealistic about it and what I

Harrison Wright:

found was eventually I realized 90 of the

Harrison Wright:

time what I was doing was finding a guy

Harrison Wright:

that hated his job and putting him in

Harrison Wright:

another job that he hated slightly less,

Harrison Wright:

for slightly more money, and then at some

Harrison Wright:

point, six to 24 months later, he'd be back

Harrison Wright:

and have the same problem over again and

Harrison Wright:

nothing ever changed.

Harrison Wright:

But in crypto crypto it's not like that.

Harrison Wright:

You do get people that hate their jobs, and

Harrison Wright:

for justifiable reasons, but overwhelmingly

Harrison Wright:

people are here because they want to be

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

I think it'd be a little bit of an

Harrison Wright:

exaggeration to say they'd still be here

Harrison Wright:

for free.

Harrison Wright:

I think sometimes that is true, but there's

Harrison Wright:

an energy and an intentionality in the

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

That's just infectious, and usually in

Harrison Wright:

other industries you mostly only see that

Harrison Wright:

in founders and certain employees, but here

Harrison Wright:

you see it in pretty much everyone, which

Harrison Wright:

is just awesome.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I agree.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I think that the feeling of having this

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: mission, we still feel that this is just

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the beginning, we feel that we're still

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: kind of like creating the industry, and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that gives you an additional feeling of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: being part of it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I usually tell this story right when I was

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: a kid I'm from a small village in Italy

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: when the first, you know, the internet came

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: to my village, I remember going to my

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: neighbor's house to play with it and stuff.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But I was amazed.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But at the same time I was feeling like

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: just a user, right, like hey, somebody in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the US built this, this is amazing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And now finally we got to play with it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But I didn't feel like I was part of it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I was like, hey, finally I got to play with

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it, right as a passive user.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But now in Web3, I do feel actively

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: involved in the definition of this space

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and in the growth of this space, and I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: think that a lot of people in the space

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: feel the same or share the same feeling.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You do feel, hey, this is happening.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And I'm adding my little grain of sand,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: let's say, and this is why the feeling of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: this mission surrounding us is so strong

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: compared to other industries that are much

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: more established that you know.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: There are a lot of things that have been

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: already discovered.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You're just one of many collaborating right.

Harrison Wright:

Here's a question for you that this brings

Harrison Wright:

to mind.

Harrison Wright:

I'm really curious about your thoughts on

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

I know what I think, but you know, in a

Harrison Wright:

space where the quality of the average

Harrison Wright:

person is so much higher than most

Harrison Wright:

industries and the amount that they care is

Harrison Wright:

higher, their expectations and standards

Harrison Wright:

are higher.

Harrison Wright:

The other interesting thing about working

Harrison Wright:

in crypto is a lot of the people that we

Harrison Wright:

work with are already financially

Harrison Wright:

independent, which is very unusual in any

Harrison Wright:

other space.

Harrison Wright:

We take it for granted, but what do you

Harrison Wright:

think the implications are of all those

Harrison Wright:

things for the threshold for success to be

Harrison Wright:

a founder and do that successfully?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Well, that's a good point.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I don't know if that's completely true, in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the sense that, you know, at the end of the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: day, even relatively small improvement

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: still makes a huge impact in the industry,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: precisely because of the fact that the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: industry is still growing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And so, yes, on one hand, you have very

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: high expectations because of the quality of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: your peers, but, on the flip side, you know

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that whatever you're doing, eventually it's

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: going to be good because it still adds

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: value to the industry.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So that's one thing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: On the other hand, the other aspect that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you mentioned it's true that it's an

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: industry where you see a lot of people that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: don't work for money, either because of the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: vocation or because of the fact that they

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: don't need money.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It's true, and I I also observed that, you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: know, especially not only from a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: development perspective, like tech people,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: but also from a vc perspective you see a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: lot of new investors coming to this space.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Uh, I met a few of them and I'm not judging

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: anybody, but you see a lot of people that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: are wealthy maybe because they made good

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: money with crypto, specifically with

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Bitcoin.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: In the early days, they bought Bitcoin very

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: cheap and now they became wealthy, and so

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: because of that it's not only that they

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: don't need money, but they also think that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: just because of that, they have money, they

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: are investors, right, and so it's a few

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: people like getting into the space say, hey,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I want to support this industry that gave

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: me so much, and since I have money, I'm an

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: investor.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So I'm going to start to invest in startups.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And that's where I'm like, well, yes, you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: do have money, but that doesn't make an

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: investor necessarily.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I mean, you are technically investing in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: startups, so, yes, you are technically an

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: investor, but being an investor, being in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: venture capital means much more than having

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: money and deploying capital in startups.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And this is where I think that the fact

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that there is so much money in this

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: interest system somehow creates false

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: positives or false expectations, you know.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And so sometimes we forget, like

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: specifically in this example, that the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: professional aspect of being a professional

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: investor, right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, yeah, there is money, but it's not

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: necessarily a super good thing all the time.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Henry Suryawirawan.

Harrison Wright:

Yeah, I can see that there's.

Harrison Wright:

You know, I've noticed this phenomenon as

Harrison Wright:

well, where naming no particular names,

Harrison Wright:

raising too much money, can actually be a

Harrison Wright:

bad thing Because the resources are not

Harrison Wright:

used in the best way under constraints.

Harrison Wright:

Yeah, 100% Like.

Harrison Wright:

The fact that you have access to capital

Harrison Wright:

doesn't mean that you need to, because the

Harrison Wright:

resources are not used in the best way

Harrison Wright:

under constraints.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Yeah, 100%.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: The fact that you have access to capital

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: doesn't mean that you need to raise all of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that or use all of that.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Or the fact that you don't need money, for

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: example, doesn't necessarily mean that you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: can just keep building, which is a third

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: scenario, I would say.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So you have the scenario of the investors

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: with a lot of money that is not an investor.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You had the startup that has access to too

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: much capital, and then you had the first

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: scenario of somebody that is naturally

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: wealthy and they don't need to raise money

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and because of that, they just focus on

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: building, and sometimes, because of that,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: they get disconnected.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: They build something that doesn't make any

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: sense because they never had a chance to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: talk to an investor that might raise some

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: red flags, or because they just keep

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: building without even asking the market.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Right, like, the fact that you can't afford

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: to build doesn't mean that you have to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: build, right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It's actually a good practice to stop, take

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: a step back and validate with somebody,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: with investors or with the market.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It's much more important, right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So sometimes, when you don't have money,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you're forced to do that, and it's actually

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: healthy, right, because it forces you to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: look at your business from a different

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: perspective.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: When you have too much money, sometimes you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: just forget to do that right and you just

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: keep building.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But again, maybe that's not the right move.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Right, keep building.

Harrison Wright:

But again, maybe that's not the right move.

Harrison Wright:

Right, yeah, 100%.

Harrison Wright:

How many?

Harrison Wright:

I know this is going to be an impossible

Harrison Wright:

question to answer, but if you had to guess

Harrison Wright:

how many startups in Web3 would you say

Harrison Wright:

you've worked with now?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I mean roughly, it depends, right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So from an accelerator perspective, I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: accelerated over 50 or 60, I think at this

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: point specifically focused on Web3, right,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: we're just talking about Web3.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: From an advisor perspective, like much more

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: than that, because sometimes, for example,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I collaborate with conferences.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, when you have a difficult startup

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: competition at a conference and then you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: know they do this recruitment process, they

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: select companies, they go to the conference,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: they pitch in front of investors sometimes,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: but then nothing happens.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Well, that is because the startups are not

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: bad but are not prepared to pitch in front

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: of investors.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, you know, last year I got to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: collaborate with a few conferences to train

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the teams that got selected.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So what I'm trying to say is that in that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: case it's not as deep of an engagement as

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: when I work with companies that we

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: accelerate, because that again means

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: sitting down with them pretty much on a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: daily basis for three months, but that also

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: gives me a chance to work with many more

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: companies.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So we're talking about probably, like we

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: are in, the hundreds of different types of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: engagements right, I don't have a, but I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: would say you know, we're talking about a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: few hundreds companies that I work with in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Web3, again in different scenarios.

Harrison Wright:

What are the patterns that you've seen?

Harrison Wright:

Is it possible for you to lay out I'm not

Harrison Wright:

sure if blueprint is the right word, but is

Harrison Wright:

there a matrix of traits and situations?

Harrison Wright:

You say, yeah, these people are likely to

Harrison Wright:

be successful, these people are likely to

Harrison Wright:

stumble at this hurdle.

Harrison Wright:

What are the patterns that you've seen?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Well, there are definitely some traits.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Right, it's clearly a million dollar

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: question.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Right, there is no formula.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Otherwise we will all be rich and there

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: will be no meaning in venture capital.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But you do notice some patterns, as you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: said, right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So it might be not what people tend to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: think.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, for example, one thing that is it's not

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: like the typical.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, the typical thing that people say

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: is you might believe that the, you know,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: working with the best founder is always a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: thing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: A lot of people, a lot of VCs, say we're

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: founder-focused, we select the best

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: founders.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: In many cases, you take it to an extreme in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: which you don't even care about the idea as

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: long as the founder is good.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Right, because people are betting on people,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: not on ideas.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And I like all of that and it's true.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I think that if I had to pick between the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: quality of a founder versus the quality of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the idea, I would rather pick the founder,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: because ideas, you know, they come and go,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: they evolve, a lot of things can change.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, as long as the founder is good, you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: know, you can always come up with something

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that makes sense.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: That is true, although, especially in Web3,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I saw that sometimes working with the best

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: founders is not necessarily ideal.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Like, if the founder is too good, that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: might not mean that it's going to be

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: successful.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And this is because the cost of opportunity

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: when you build a startup is very high.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Like, building a startup is hard.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It's, you know, time intensive, it's

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: capital intensive.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Aka, you're going to work a lot of time,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: like, you want to spend a lot of time

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: building, and you're not going to make a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: lot of money unless the startup is

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: successful, which is something that're not

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: going to make a lot of money unless the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: startup is successful, which is something

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that is not going to happen, you know,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: before the fifth, sixth, seventh, tenth

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: year, right of execution.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So you have a high probability of working

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: super hard for many years and eventually

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you're not going to make any money, right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: That's the typical scenario, unfortunately.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So if you're really good, if you're really

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: brilliant, if you have the best network, if

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you have the best idea, why would you do

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that when you can work pretty much anywhere

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: in the world and make a lot of money with

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: much lower risk, right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So what happens is that when a founder is

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: very, very good and not completely

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: dedicated to the startup, the cost of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: opportunity is a distraction.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know when.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Things you know because in the beginning

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it's all like, oh, I'm going to do it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Oh, you know, this is going to be the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: biggest thing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: In the beginning it's all like, oh, I'm

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: gonna do it, oh, you know, this is gonna be

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the biggest thing in the world.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But then after a while, when shit hits the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: fan and you are like depressed and you know,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and it's hard, and you are having a hard

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: time raising money and all of that you know,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: then the customer opportunity is gonna

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: knock on your door and say, hey, are you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: sure you want to be miserable when you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: could be successful doing something else?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And if you're a really good founder, most

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: likely you have options.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And so, because of that, what I'm trying to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: say here is that you want the right balance

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: between being an amazing founder, but also

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: being committed and still being hungry and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: still being humble.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Amazing founder, but also like being

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: committed and still being hungry, you know,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and still being humble and saying, okay, I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: want to do this, but I'm not still like

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: good enough, I need to keep learning.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I need to keep experiencing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Right, if you're too good, at some point

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you might realize this is not worth it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Right, and again, specifically in Web3, I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: did see a few funders that when things got

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: hard in Web3, aka crypto winter and all of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that right they were like, hey, I could

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: just shut down my Web3 company even people

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that raise money, right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So they started studying Web3, they raised

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: venture capital money and then things

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: started to be hard because of market

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: conditions, because of whatever, and so

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: they were like why should I do this when I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: could just reinvent myself, shut down this

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: company, say bye to my investors and just

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: raise money in AI, which is now the new big

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: thing?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: There's a lot of money.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, everybody's talking about it,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: right, and I'm not judging anybody because

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you know, I think it makes sense.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: What I'm trying to say is that I was

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: personally surprised.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I was like, hey, this, this founder, is

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: actually super good.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: What happened?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And he's like cost of opportunity.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: He was too good for this, he was too good

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: to go through all of the pain, right, and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: there was an easier path, and so why not?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So sorry for taking so long.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Maybe I'm going to rumble.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I'm just saying there are some.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Going back to your question, right, there

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: are some patterns, right, and one of them

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: is the quality of the founder.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And yet careful with that, because if the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: founder is too good, you know it might not

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: be actually a really good thing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, you know, look at founders that are

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: highly motivated, that are good enough, but

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: not maybe like exagger's, exaggeratively

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: good, so that they stay humble.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, they keep learning, they keep

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: pushing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: That's definitely, you know, one thing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And the other thing is this mindset of, as

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I said before, of validating and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: questioning your own ideas all the time.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, when you see people that are like,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: hey, I had this idea, I thought it was

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: great, but don't just trust what I'm saying,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: look at the data, you know, boom.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: That completely changes the conversation.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Even if we're talking about super early

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: validation, you know, maybe they still

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: don't have a prototype, but they were able

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: to validate.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know the problem is real.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Hey, there is a decent number of people in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the market that is affected by this problem

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and I have the data.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Just by doing that, it shows the mentality

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: hey, these people like this guy, this

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: founder.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, he, he got it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It's not about his idea.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It's about data, it's about validating,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it's about you know showing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know data, and so that is also

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: something that you can learn.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But it's in many cases it's hard to teach

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: people to use data because of their own ego,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and so when you see that that's definitely

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: another tree that I would say hey, you know

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: this founder.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I don't know if it's going to be super

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: successful, but he has more chances than

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: other founders that are just trying to sell

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you their million dollar idea, right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I appreciate the passion.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I appreciate when funders are super

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: committed.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I appreciate it when they come and say I'm

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: not going to take a no as an answer.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know all of that.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I love it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I want to see the passion in funders, as

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: long as it doesn't go beyond being real and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: realistic, right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: An excess of passion makes you blind.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You also need to keep your eye open.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Look at data, look at validation, listen to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: what other people are saying, especially

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: experts, especially investors.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You don't have to do everything, right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You don't need to listen to your advisors

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: blindly, but you need to keep your eyes

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: open and your mind open, right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So when there's too much passion, sometimes

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that's not good.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Again, I think I'm breaking a couple of the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: typical things that you hear out there

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: right like you want a brilliant

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: entrepreneur and you want a passionate

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: entrepreneur.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Yes and no, that's my answer.

Harrison Wright:

Henry Suryawirawan, that's a really

Harrison Wright:

interesting point.

Harrison Wright:

If I'm hearing you right, it seems to me

Harrison Wright:

that there's a relationship here between

Harrison Wright:

ego and founder success.

Harrison Wright:

That's actually a tricky balance, because

Harrison Wright:

they have to have a big enough ego to

Harrison Wright:

believe that you know to be able to will

Harrison Wright:

this thing into reality and do what that

Harrison Wright:

takes, but not so much of an ego that they

Harrison Wright:

ignore reality, which can be very dangerous.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Exactly, and this is why it's so hard to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: find good entrepreneurs and it's so hard to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: be the startup because you need to find

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that balance and it's more of an art right

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and a science.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But it's exactly that.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You need both.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Everybody's going to tell you you, you're

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: crazy, this is impossible, you can't do it

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: right, and so of course, you can just

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: listen to those people, otherwise there

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: wouldn't be any innovation in the world.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Of course you need to push it and show them

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that they're wrong.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Yet you can't just say again like I'm going

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: to take a no as an answer and just keep

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: doing the same.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Okay, don't take a no as an answer, but try

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: to understand why they say no and at least

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: evaluate hey, is that something I should

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: take into account, or they're full of crap?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But at least question yourself, right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So that's kind of like the balance I would

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: say.

Harrison Wright:

You know, I'm really curious what you think

Harrison Wright:

about this from a founder's perspective.

Harrison Wright:

A trend that I've noticed in people's

Harrison Wright:

career progression and this isn't

Harrison Wright:

specifically about founders, but I think it

Harrison Wright:

also applies to founders is that transition

Harrison Wright:

from being an ic, an individual contributor,

Harrison Wright:

to being a leader.

Harrison Wright:

And sometimes the things that make someone

Harrison Wright:

really successful as an ic actually hinder

Harrison Wright:

them when it comes to leadership.

Harrison Wright:

But if you look at the profile of the

Harrison Wright:

typical person who excels on their own, you

Harrison Wright:

know whether they're a developer, business

Harrison Wright:

developer, it doesn't matter.

Harrison Wright:

It's usually some combination of work ethic,

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

You know they'll do more to make sure it

Harrison Wright:

gets done.

Harrison Wright:

They'll beat themselves up.

Harrison Wright:

If someone else causes a problem, they'll

Harrison Wright:

take responsibility for it and fix it

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

They take everything on their shoulders and

Harrison Wright:

they power through.

Harrison Wright:

It's not the only model of success as an

Harrison Wright:

individual, but I'd say it's a powerful

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

That person gets turned into a manager for

Harrison Wright:

the first time, usually because they're

Harrison Wright:

really good on their own.

Harrison Wright:

So they say, hey, we'll promote this guy to

Harrison Wright:

run the team.

Harrison Wright:

Doesn't always work very well because if

Harrison Wright:

you imagine you have a team of five people

Harrison Wright:

and your response to anything being hard is

Harrison Wright:

to lock yourself in your office and work

Harrison Wright:

double the hours, all you're going to do is

Harrison Wright:

alienate the team and you're never going to

Harrison Wright:

be able to outwork the team, because you

Harrison Wright:

can't do five people's work by yourself, I

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

Do you see that same thing in founders

Harrison Wright:

where, from my observation, a lot of

Harrison Wright:

founders especially in Web3, they haven't

Harrison Wright:

run a business before, they haven't run a

Harrison Wright:

team before.

Harrison Wright:

Sometimes they're brilliant people for one

Harrison Wright:

reason or another, but the actual business

Harrison Wright:

of being a leader and a founder is new to

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

Do you see a trend where founders can do

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

They shut themselves, they lock themselves

Harrison Wright:

in their little box.

Harrison Wright:

Hey, no, I'm doing my thing, but really

Harrison Wright:

what they need to be doing is one know one

Harrison Wright:

analogy I heard one time, and I can't

Harrison Wright:

remember from where is it the entrepreneur

Harrison Wright:

should be the chef.

Harrison Wright:

Their job is to understand what is the

Harrison Wright:

recipe we're building, what ingredients

Harrison Wright:

does it require and what combination.

Harrison Wright:

And their role is actually to create that,

Harrison Wright:

to create that system, to allow that thing

Harrison Wright:

to take shape, which can be very, very

Harrison Wright:

different from trying to do the thing

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I agree 100%, and I actually love the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: analogy with the chef, because I think I'm

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: going to use it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I'm going to steal it from you, because the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: fact that you are really good at cooking

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: doesn't mean that you're a good chef or

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that you can run a restaurant.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Right, you can cook for your family or

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: three people, but that doesn't mean that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you can feed 2,000 people on a daily basis,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So I definitely see that.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Think about getting started when you had to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: be very creative.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You don't have the resources to get support,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: right, you have to do it all by yourself.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Have to do it all by yourself.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So imagine that scenario compared to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: running a company post IPO with 5,000

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: employees.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Two completely different scenarios.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Not only the skills that are required to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: run those two jobs are different, but also

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the personality.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: There are people that might not even like

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know meaning if you are really good at

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: creating things from scratch and then you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: had to babysit 5,000 employees, you might

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: not like it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It's not only that you're not good at it,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that you don't have the experience, but

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that might not be what you sign up for, and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: so that is one of the major problems with

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: startups and I'm exaggerating now, but you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: can see the same evolution from a solo

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: funder group of three co-founders and then

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the first employees, and then 20 employees,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and then 10, then 100, right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Meaning you're also like bringing

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: additional responsibility and you're

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: bringing additional people that at some

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: point are going to ask you questions or

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: even like try to tell you what to do, right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So the dynamics of a startup constantly

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: evolve and founders might not be good at

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: covering all of those roles throughout the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: evolution of the startup, either because of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: lack of skills, lack of ability to evolve

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and or personality.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And me personally, for example, I don't

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: think I will be really good at running a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: company with 5,000 employees.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I don't think it goes well with that I like

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: to create, I like to have like a more

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: direct connection.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I think I good, I'm good at delegating, as

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: long as I maintain a direct connection with

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the people I work with.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, when I start to have like

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: multiple layers of like uh, the boss of the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: boss, of the boss, the boss, and then they

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: report to me, like you know, I don't think

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I I will be good at that and it's perfectly

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: fine.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, I don't think I would be good at

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that, and it's perfectly fine, you know.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But just to say this is why it's so hard.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: A lot of people let's use Mark Zuckerberg

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: as an example right, he started Facebook in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: college and now he runs Meta, which is like

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: a multi-billion company blah, blah, blah.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: There are not so many Mark Zuckerbergs in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the world.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Blah, blah, blah.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: There are not so many Marzocommerce in the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: world.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Like, at some point, you know, like the,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the, the, your job is going to be so

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: different that you might not be the right

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: person to run the company or you might not

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: even like it right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So that's a real.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: A lot of people struggle to scale because

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: of they, they, they don't have the ability

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: to evolve and to change the structure of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the organization.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So put somebody in place at the right time

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: at the right place.

Harrison Wright:

You know something.

Harrison Wright:

I see a trend I see repeat itself over and

Harrison Wright:

over again in crypto teams the number of

Harrison Wright:

teams that really need a COO but don't know

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

There's no operator to tie everything

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

You've got a bunch of specialists but no

Harrison Wright:

one who really understands the systems of

Harrison Wright:

the business at a core level.

Harrison Wright:

I always find it a really interesting data

Harrison Wright:

point if a founder has a self-awareness to

Harrison Wright:

either hire a COO or sometimes hire a CEO

Harrison Wright:

once they get to a certain point, because

Harrison Wright:

that's not their forte anymore.

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I totally agree.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I think it's because they're so busy they

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: never realize what they need, they just

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: keep doing it or just because they don't

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: have that experience.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: They don't even know what a CEO is or does,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and so they might not even know that there

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: is a solution to their problem and they

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: think that they had to solve their own

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: problem, like they've been doing since the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: inception of the company.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And no, maybe now there is a solution.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I think that that's actually when an

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: advisor might make a lot of sense for your

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: startup.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, I'm an advisor myself and I work

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: with a lot of advisors in different stages.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I'm more focused on idea stage, early stage,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: like how to go from zero to one.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Let's say that's kind of like my niche, but

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: there is definitely a lot of value in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: having advisors when you're early stage.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But I actually think that having an advisor

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: when you're starting to scale makes a lot

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: of sense, especially if it's an advisor

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that has experience with larger

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: organizations, because they could tell you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: hey, you know, you might need a COO or you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: might need I don't know a chief of staff or

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you might need to step down.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: If you want to keep creating new products,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: maybe you need to focus on that and hire

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: somebody to run operations for you, right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So it's good to maybe bring somebody with

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that experience, because you might not have

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that experience or you might not even

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: understand what you need, right.

Harrison Wright:

I learned something that has really stuck

Harrison Wright:

with me.

Harrison Wright:

I think it was from Dan Sullivan.

Harrison Wright:

It's a really simple phrase.

Harrison Wright:

Obviously there's more than a phrase behind

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

There's an entire literature behind this,

Harrison Wright:

but it's simply who, not how.

Harrison Wright:

Whenever you have a problem, the right

Harrison Wright:

question to ask is not how do I solve it,

Harrison Wright:

it's who can solve it?

Harrison Wright:

And I, you know, even in my small, uh

Harrison Wright:

business of my own my own I frequently am

Harrison Wright:

now asking that question.

Harrison Wright:

I might not be hiring a full-time person,

Harrison Wright:

but I'm like who could I consult to help me

Harrison Wright:

with this problem, versus trying to figure

Harrison Wright:

it all out by myself?

Harrison Wright:

It's a much higher leverage way to operate,

Harrison Wright:

I think.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I agree, but to be fair, right, because

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: maybe some founders here that are listening

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: are like yeah, sounds easy when you're,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: let's say, not a large organization, but we

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: are bigger.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But when you're getting started A you might

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: not have those connections.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: B you might not have the budget to hire

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: somebody.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Or.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: C maybe you have the connections but people

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: don't want to work with you because you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: still don't have anything to offer in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: exchange for it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So what I'm trying to say is that I think

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that the reality of starting a startup from

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: scratch in many cases creates that mindset,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: forces you to rely on yourself only, and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: creates this mindset of saying, if there is

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: a problem, you are the one who needs to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: solve it, and it's hard to make that switch

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: when you get to a point in which your

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: startup actually allows you to rely on

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: external.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So what I'm trying to say is that I want to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: be fair because you know, because in many

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: cases, funders are, you know, taken to that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: situation.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, maybe they would appreciate some

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: help early on, but they really don't have

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: access to it and that's why they shut down.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Yeah, startups evolve and founders need to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: evolve as well.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Going back to your original question.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, what are the things that you want

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: to see in a startup.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: What are the things that might make you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: think that they're going to be successful?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Well, the ability of the founder to keep

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: learning and to evolve at the pace the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: startup needs.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: That's really hard.

Harrison Wright:

Henry Suryawirawan.

Harrison Wright:

Yeah, it is.

Harrison Wright:

Well, let me ask you this, if you had to

Harrison Wright:

think of a matrix so on one hand we've got

Harrison Wright:

unsuccessful founders, we've got founders

Harrison Wright:

that kind of get by the average founder,

Harrison Wright:

let's say.

Harrison Wright:

And then the founders that really nail it,

Harrison Wright:

what would you say are the key differences

Harrison Wright:

between those groups, whether that's

Harrison Wright:

inbuilt traits about the person or things

Harrison Wright:

that they do and learn and how they

Harrison Wright:

approach things?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: well.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So we already covered a couple of things.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Right, a ability to evolve, uh, be this

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: balance between believing in yourself

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: without being stubborn, without letting

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: your ego taking over, right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So those are true kind of like mindset type

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: of features, if you want, or skills.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I would say there is at least two more that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I can think of.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: One is you know, in order to run a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: successful startup, to be a successful

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: startup, you're going to need a lot of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: different things, and you might not have

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: all of them, which is perfectly fine.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So you can, a learn what you don't know or,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: b get some support, maybe co-founders.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: The earlier you realize what you need and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: what you don't have, the better.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: A lot of people you know eventually figure

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it out when it's too late.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Oh, for example, I need to raise money, let

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: me see how I can do it, and it turns out

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it's too late because it turns out that you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: made mistakes.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: An investor are not going to invest because

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you already, you know, burn all of the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: money in something that you didn't need,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: for example.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So an investor that comes in now is like

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: hey, you didn't manage your company

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: properly, you burned all of the money in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: stupid things.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Why should I give you more money so you can

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: go out and burn more?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So you know, at some point you're going to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: learn, but for certain things it might be

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: too late.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So the more you can learn before it's too

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: late, the higher your chances of making it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And so once you understand what you need

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and then you understand what you don't have,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that's when you can say, okay, I can learn

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: this, or I need help for that.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: What type of help?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: A co-founder or an employee or an advisor,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: whatever it is?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: The earlier you have this map out, the less

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: risk let's say.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So what I'm trying to say is that, of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: course, if you have experience, it's easier,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: but if you don't have experience, you don't

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: need to build that experience by making

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: mistakes.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You can educate yourself and you can get

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: ready right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And so successful founders are the ones who

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: see the risk before it's too late, so they

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: can get prepared.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Oh, I'm going to need money in six months.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Okay, when the time comes, what do I need

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: to show investors to increase my chances of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: raising money?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Oh, they're going to ask me for ABC.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Okay, I'm going to build those assets so

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that in six months, when I do need the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: money, I have that.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: That's just an example of saying you don't

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: need to make the mistake to learn how it

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: works.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So successful founders had that ability.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: They build a network before they need it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: They build a network before they need it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: They build a community before they need it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Typical entrepreneur I build a product and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: then I go out and I look for a community of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: users or clients.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: If you are not able to build that community,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you're dead.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Because you build a product.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You probably spend a lot of time and money

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: building a product and then you realize

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that you don't know how to sell it, either

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: because you're not good at it or because

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: nobody wants it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Vice versa, there are entrepreneurs that go

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: out.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: They build a community first, which in turn

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: gives them a lot of data, because now you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: know what these people want, you know if

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: they're willing to pay data because now you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: know what these people want, you know if

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: they're willing to pay or not, you know

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: where the pain points are and once you have

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the community, you build the product and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: guess what?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: At that point it's going to be much easier

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: to sell the product.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So what I'm trying to say is that it feels

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it's not very intuitive, but those who are

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: able to build assets before they need them

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: are going to succeed.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: How do you do it?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: By learning, by asking other people, by

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: reading, by going through accelerators.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I list things I would like to see in a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: startup or in a founder is the ability to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: understand what you know and what you don't

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: know, and get ready for it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And you're going to make mistakes, yes, but

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: there are a lot of mistakes that you can

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: avoid, and I don't like this when I see

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: founders that are like I'm just going to do

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it and see what happens.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It might be very painful and, in many cases,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you might make mistakes that you're not

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: going to be able to fix.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And that's when, yes, making mistakes is

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: natural.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Making mistakes is good because you learn,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: but try to avoid making mistakes as much as

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you can.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Right, I know it sounds silly, but I think

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: we still need to hear that.

Harrison Wright:

So that will be my third one, Henry

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

Have you heard that?

Harrison Wright:

Sorry to interrupt you, Lorenzo Lorenzo

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

No problem, Henry Suryawirawan, have you

Harrison Wright:

heard that old saying a smart man learns

Harrison Wright:

from his mistakes, but a wise man learns

Harrison Wright:

from the mistakes of others.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Exactly, Reminds me of that.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Exactly, that's exactly the thing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And again, like being an entrepreneur,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: being an innovator, being a disruptor, you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: know, yeah, of course you're trying to do

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: something that has never been possible

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: before.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Yet there are a lot of entrepreneurs out

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: there, very successful people that you can

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: learn from right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Yes, you're a disruptor, but you're not

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: inventing venture capital, you know, like

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you don't need to reinvent the wheel from

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: scratch.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, yeah, you know, pick your battles, I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: would say, and don't be too proud.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And you know, get help if you can.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So again, going back to your question,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: there are founders that have that mindset

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and they show it very early on, even like

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: companies that we select for our

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: accelerators.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: The accelerator, for me, is a great

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: opportunity to observe founders very

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: closely, especially, for example, if you're

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: an investor, if you're a VC.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I definitely recommend VCs to partner up

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: with accelerators because, instead of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: having a due diligence based on a couple of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: calls and maybe looking at some reports or

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: whatever you know, imagine if you had a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: chance to observe how the startup works for

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: three months.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know how much depth can you get, how

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: much data points can you get.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So that's exactly what an accelerator is.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It's like a pilot of the startup, of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: running the startup before you actually get

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: to run the startups for real, right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And so, going back to what I was saying,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: right, so even with the companies that we

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: accelerate, during the accelerator you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: quickly see who the good ones are going to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: be eventually, because up front, when we

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: select the teams, you know we try to figure

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: out who has the best team and the best idea

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and this and that.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But when you really realize who the good

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: ones are going to be is during the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: accelerator, because you see them in action

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and you, for example, throw them some

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: feedback and you see what they do with the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: feedback.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And what I always tell my company is like,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you don't have to blindly implement what

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: we're telling you, because we're just like

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: advisors and you might find advisors with

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: different opinions and it's fine.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: That's actually why it's so hard to be a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: funder, right, because you're going to hear

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: a lot of different opinions and eventually

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you are the one who needs to make a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: decision, because you are the one who is

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: going to pay for the consequences, right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But going back to what I was saying, like

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: we give them a lot of feedback.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: They don't need to implement blindly what

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: we're saying, but they need at least to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: show that they're processing the feedback

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and they're eventually making a real

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: decision, like a decision based on

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: something.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Hey, I thought about what you said I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: researched.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I think you're right, I got to do it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Or hey, I thought about what you said I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: researched.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I think you're right, I gotta do it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Or hey, I thought about what you said I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: don't think you're right, because of abc,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you know.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So I'm not gonna do it perfect, but at

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: least I want you to.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I want you to show me that you not only

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that you appreciate the feedback, but that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you're know making good use of it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Versus there are a lot of other companies

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that maybe go through the accelerator

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: because of the you know the recognition,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: because of the upfront investment that in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: many cases we make right, and then they

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: don't really like care about anything else.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Well, I can tell you I'm not getting

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: offended because you're not paying

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: attention to my feedback.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I don't really care, I'm just observing and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I'm saying that's not a good founder,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that's somebody that is not able to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: appreciate, you know, the support and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: they're not going to change.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know that's their DNA.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, yeah, maybe you have a super cool

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: project.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know you're not going to go far with

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that mindset.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, yeah, that's another thing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And let me ask you just again I try to be

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: fair because I don't want startups to fear

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that I'm judging them or anything.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: There is also a fourth ingredient that we

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: should mention, which is luck.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Like sorry, because it feels like it goes

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: against what I'm saying.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, I run Accelerator for a living,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So I'm supposed to be the one saying, hey,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: there is a science, there is a methodology,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it's all true, but there is also like a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: little bit of luck, the luck of building

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the right thing at the right time.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And this is very relevant in Web3, where

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the market moves with like crazy cycles.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, unfortunately, I work with some

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: startups in this past cycle that honestly,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I'm completely like, I'm sure that the same

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: company, the same founder, even the same

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: idea, if you want, but most important, the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: same founding team, in a different you know,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: marketing side market cycle would have

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: obtained much better results, right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So I don't know if it's luck, if they

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: picked the right timing, or maybe, you know,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it's very hard to predict, but that's also

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: another component.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And by severity, there are companies that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: are raising money easily, for example,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: which is one of the potential reasons of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: success, because they're supported by a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: better environment, better timing, better

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: market condition, better ecosystem.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, I definitely think, that nowadays

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you can build a successful startups from

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: anywhere in the world.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, from Argentina, from Africa, from

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: wherever, like, I think nowadays,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: especially in something like Web3, there's

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: no excuses.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Yet it's still true that in some cases,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: being part of a bigger ecosystem helps

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Because you know, like here in Miami, for

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: example, which is not even the biggest

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: ecosystem for startups in the world, but

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it's a strong one, right, like, even if you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: don't want to, there are events every day

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Startup meetup groups, conferences, summits,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: even just like happy hour of the Miami tech

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: community, for example.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Like, even if you don't want to, you end up

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: talking with founders, you end up talking

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: about your project or listening to other

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: people's idea.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Clearly, it's much harder if you come from

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: a small village in the middle of nowhere.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You still have access to all of the things,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: but you need to be much more proactive,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You need to look for resources online or

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you have to, whatever, right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, again, I don't want to say it's all

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: about luck, but I do want to add that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: ingredient to this conversation, because

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you can make your own luck, yes, but it's

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: still a factor, right?

Harrison Wright:

There's a couple interesting things that

Harrison Wright:

you mentioned in all of that that I wanted

Harrison Wright:

to pick up on.

Harrison Wright:

One is that yeah, absolutely, I mean in

Harrison Wright:

2021, I'm being a little bit facetious, but

Harrison Wright:

you could almost rock up the VC with like a

Harrison Wright:

little sheet of paper and you just write on

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

It's like Uber, but on blockchain.

Harrison Wright:

Yeah, sure, take $10 million, but last year,

Harrison Wright:

you know, series A funding was so hard to

Harrison Wright:

come by in particular, and there's a lot of

Harrison Wright:

good projects that they hadn't reached the

Harrison Wright:

point of being able to be self-sufficient

Harrison Wright:

yet, but they also can't raise.

Harrison Wright:

What are they going to do?

Harrison Wright:

And that is a major factor.

Harrison Wright:

I also think I don't know if we're going to

Harrison Wright:

go back to how it was in 2021 again, but I

Harrison Wright:

think, with the interest rates and the way

Harrison Wright:

funding is working now, I think there's an

Harrison Wright:

argument to be made that it's actually

Harrison Wright:

healthier, because you had teams just

Harrison Wright:

raising more and more money without any

Harrison Wright:

path to revenue or self-sustainability,

Harrison Wright:

whereas you know you're looking at this

Harrison Wright:

framework of getting data, like we were

Harrison Wright:

talking about.

Harrison Wright:

Okay, so you have a thesis, you build, you

Harrison Wright:

get a community, you get an audience.

Harrison Wright:

Does it resonate?

Harrison Wright:

Does it work?

Harrison Wright:

What does the data tell us, okay, we should

Harrison Wright:

build, that should be working towards

Harrison Wright:

something that creates revenue or you know,

Harrison Wright:

sometimes we can't necessarily measure

Harrison Wright:

things in direct revenue, in cryptos or

Harrison Wright:

whatever the closest equivalent is in a way

Harrison Wright:

that makes that project self-sufficient.

Harrison Wright:

They don't need to rely on funding anymore.

Harrison Wright:

So now I think the zero interest rate

Harrison Wright:

phenomenon is hey, you see it in Web2 as

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

We just build to raise more and more money.

Harrison Wright:

The objective should be to build something

Harrison Wright:

that actually solves the market need and

Harrison Wright:

therefore doesn't need to continue raising

Harrison Wright:

money, other than they use that money to

Harrison Wright:

scale a model that they know works and to

Harrison Wright:

fuel it, not to keep trying to find

Harrison Wright:

something that works just indefinitely.

Harrison Wright:

So I think that's very interesting.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Because what you said is really right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But on the flip side, sometimes we forget

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that you know from the outside, when you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: see like companies raising a lot of money,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: we think it's because they're greedy, we

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: think that it's because they're out of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: their mind, or we think that it's because

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: they want to scale, you know, too fast and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: in many cases that's true.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: In many cases there is a big speculation

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: effect or speculation component behind it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But to be fair, in some cases those funders

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: are forced to do that just because of how

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: venture capital works.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: What I'm trying to say is that in a perfect

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: world you would raise just the right amount

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: of money enough to achieve your goals, but

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: not too much, so you don't get diluted and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you don't add too much risk to your company.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But in other cases you're forced to raise a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: lot of money A, because your competitors

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: are raising a lot of money and you're

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: competing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Or B which is probably related to what I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: just said, because you cannot grow at your

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: own pace.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You need to grow as fast as possible

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: because the market in which you are is

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: growing and if you just grow organically,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you're going to lose your competitive

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: advantage and you're going to stay behind.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So there are companies that might not even

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: need to raise money because they might be

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: like imagine, like an e-commerce platform

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you make revenue almost by definition from

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: day one, right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Yet you might have to raise money because

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it's so competitive that you need to be at

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the competitive advantage.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You need to stay relevant.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So what I'm trying to say is that what

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: people don't understand when they have zero

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: exposure to venture capital.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Like a lot of startups that I work with,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: they have never raised money, so they have

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: bad misconceptions about raising money.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: They think that it's like a grant Somebody

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: likes you, so they're going to give you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: money.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: No, it's a business proposition.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: If they give you money, it's because

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: they're expecting something in exchange.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So don't be silly.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: A, B, they think I need to raise as much

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: money as possible.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: No, Raising a lot of money might be bad for

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: your company.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It adds a lot of responsibility, it dilutes

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you, you might end up with not enough

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: equity to keep the motivation alive, and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: many more things.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But on the flip side, there are some rules,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and this is why you see people doing crazy

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: things, just because this is how venture

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: capital works, and either you play the game

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: with the real rules or you're out.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Unfortunately, that's how it works.

Harrison Wright:

That's a really interesting angle I hadn't

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

Thanks for that.

Harrison Wright:

I've got one last question for you.

Harrison Wright:

Imagine someone is listening to this who

Harrison Wright:

has been a successful founder in Web2.

Harrison Wright:

Thanks for that.

Harrison Wright:

I've got one last question for you.

Harrison Wright:

Imagine someone is listening to this who

Harrison Wright:

has been a successful founder in Web2.

Harrison Wright:

What would your advice be to them if

Harrison Wright:

they're considering starting a company in

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

What I'm really curious about is you've

Harrison Wright:

straddled both areas right.

Harrison Wright:

So what are the key differences that

Harrison Wright:

someone should consider to found a crypto

Harrison Wright:

project versus, say, a SaaS company or a

Harrison Wright:

traditional Web2 model?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: That's a good question.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Clearly I'm going to hyper generalize it

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: here, right, so clearly there are many,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: many different scenarios.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But just to simplify it a little bit, I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: think that the typical Web3 founder is a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: little bit naive from a business

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: perspective, meaning that the people who

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: are building in Web3, typically they know a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: lot about Web3.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Funder is a little bit naive from a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: business perspective, meaning that the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: people who are building in Web3, typically

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: they know a lot about Web3, a lot about

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: blockchain or crypto, but statistically

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: speaking, they might not know.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Let me say anything about a value

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: proposition, a business plan, raising money

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and all of that Versus.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: In Web2, the typical, typical thunder might

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: know a little bit more about those things

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you know.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Like comparing the typical web3 funders to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the typical web shoe funders.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So in web3, usually they know a lot about

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: blockchain and very little about business.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Um, which is why I think that you know what.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: What we're doing, for example, with

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Accelerator, makes a little sense because

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that's exactly.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know how we can add those funders.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But that's the reality.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: On the flip side, somebody that has a lot

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: of experience in WebTool, as you said,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: maybe some successful funders, maybe

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: somebody who's running a SaaS company or

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: whatever.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Again, generalizing, there are a lot of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: funders that probably are getting into Web3

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: for the wrong reason.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Some of them might not even need a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: blockchain, but they want to add this

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: blockchain thing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: A because it's cool.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So it's kind of like a marketing thing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, like maybe not so much now, but

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: like last year, two years ago, three years

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: ago you saw a lot of companies doing that,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: just putting blockchain on their website

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: because it's cool and because there's this

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: idea that blockchain means transparency,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: blockchain means security, right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So if I say that I build this on the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: blockchain, you know it's kind of like a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: marketing thing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, unfortunately, a lot of Web3 funders

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: are building on Web3, a for the wrong

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: reason, or B because they really have a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: misconception of what the blockchain can

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and cannot do, of what the blockchain can

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and cannot do.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So that's kind of like my advice.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I think you don't need to go crazy.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: The blockchain is a technology.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It's not the solution to all of your

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: problems.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It's a goal, it's how you get there, and so

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you know, if you come from Web2, I think

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you should look at the blockchain as one of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the many options that you have from a tech

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: perspective to solve your problem, but what

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: is your real problem?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: What is the solution that you're providing

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: to your client?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Now, if the blockchain adds value because

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it allows you to do things that were not

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: possible in Web3 without the blockchain,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: then go for it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But if the blockchain aspect is just like a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: cool thing to say or a cool thing to have,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: or I like crypto or I like Bitcoin, so I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: want to do a Web3 project, those are not

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the right motivators, and I think that with

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: this cycle, we got rid of a lot of those

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: projects like a lot of projects that were

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: using the blockchain for no reason, and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: vice versa.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: We saw many more projects that are using

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the blockchain for very meaningful

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: applications, meaning solving problems that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: couldn't be solved without the blockchain,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So I think they're getting to that point

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: and I'm excited about it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But that's a typical web tool founder that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: comes and say, hey, I was thinking about,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you know, adding the blockchain to my

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: project.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: What do you think about it?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I don't know.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You tell me you need it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: What's the problem you're trying to solve?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Can you solve it without the bloodshed?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know like so?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, yeah, sometimes they are very naive in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that sense, but hey, it's part of the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: learning curve, I guess, right, henry

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Suryawirawan.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Thank you.

Harrison Wright:

Thankfully, you know that we've been spared

Harrison Wright:

a little bit of that in this past year now

Harrison Wright:

compared to the past, because all those

Harrison Wright:

people are now hey, how can I add ChatGPT

Harrison Wright:

to my company?

Harrison Wright:

Oh, we need AI.

Harrison Wright:

Oh, I'm an AI expert now.

Harrison Wright:

Yeah, but I guess my last follow-on

Harrison Wright:

question is assuming they're getting into

Harrison Wright:

Web3 for the right reasons, these prior

Harrison Wright:

Web2 founders, what would you say are the

Harrison Wright:

top three things?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: they should learn or upskill in to be

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: successful in Web3, as they were in Web2 in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: general.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Well, so A you need to understand the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: potential of the blockchain, but you also

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: need to understand the limitations.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: There are current limitations, right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I'm a huge fan, I'm super bullish on

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: blockchain, and so I have web3 like I had

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: no doubts that work.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know we're gonna see more and more

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: blockchain applications in our life, yet

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: currently there are still limitations, for

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: example, usability, right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, yeah, maybe using the blockchain.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I was looking at some social media apps no

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: names.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Social media is not a big thing on

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: blockchain or decentralized networks in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: general.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So now you have these decentralized social

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: media platforms and I'm personally super

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: excited about it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: The concept makes so much sense.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Yet if you really do it on-chain, I haven't

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: seen anybody solving the usability problem.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Just to create your user, you need to go

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: through X, y, z amount of steps that are

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: still a huge barrier for most of users out

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: there.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: If you're not familiar with Web3, you're

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: going to have a hard time, for example,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: creating a user in one of those social

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: media decentralized platforms, right?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So just to use it as an example, can

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: blockchain add tremendous value to social

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: media?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: 100%.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Blockchain will enable you to do things

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that are imaginable on social media as of

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: today, in Web2 social media.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Yet, you need to understand that there are

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: some limitations or some barriers, for

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: example, usability, and this is something

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that in Web2, you might not think about.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Those things, web2, we're not used to think

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: about it.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Yeah, there is always, like, improvements

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: in UX, ui, you know, but we don't have that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: problem.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Like, if you come up with an app, people

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: will know how to download it, how to sign

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: up.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Like, people will have no issue accessing

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: your app Not using it, but accessing In

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Web3, you have to have that.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, number one.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But accessing In Web3, you had to add that.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, number one if you come to Web3, the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: potential is huge.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But be realistic with the limitations.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Like, you need to be aware of them and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: figure out how to, you know, bypass them or

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: solve them.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: That's number one.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Number two in Web 2, unless you're doing

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: something that very specific, like

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: insurance or big financial things, usually

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: regulations are not a big thing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: In Web 3, you need to know what you're

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: doing and what's the situation with

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: regulation.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Like, don't be naive.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You might think, hey, this is just a stupid

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: token.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Hey, it's not harming anybody.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Hey, this is just like a reward program.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Nope, you might get in trouble for that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So you need to know the rules before you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: play the game and, unfortunately, in Web3,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the rules are not even clear.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: In Web 2, you might not have to think about

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: all of those things.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: In Web 3, it is a conversation you need to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: have at some point and you might want to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: get professional advice just to make sure

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that you're not doing anything wrong or

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: anything that is not wrong today but might

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: be considered wrong at some point if the

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: regulation changes, for example.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So that's the other aspect, and the third

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: aspect is well, we already said that you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: need to use technology for the real value.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: We already say that you need to use

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: technology for the real value.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Well, the third aspect is, you know, maybe

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: getting access to experts in Web3, even if

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it's improving, the community is getting

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: bigger and bigger might still be a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: challenge compared to Web2.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: If you need an engineer, there are dozens

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: of platforms where you can find talent,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: hire talent remotely, staff on demand.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: In Web 3.0, there are not so many resources

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: yet and there is a lot of crap out there,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: because this is so new that it's hard for

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: some engineers, for example, to really show

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: that they're good for real right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: There is a lot of people saying, yeah, I'm

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: super experienced in smart contracts in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: this land.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Maybe it turns out that you're not right.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, yeah, that's also another thing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, a lot of 75% of being in a Web3

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: startup is exactly like being in a Web2

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: startups.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Again, validating things, raising money,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it's exactly the same thing.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Like don't think that Web3 is that

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: different.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: But for the 25% that is different.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You might need help and it might still be

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: challenging to find the right resources.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It might be a little harder than what

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: you're used to in WebChute.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, yeah, those might be my three things.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: This is hard, harrison, because you know I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: didn't prepare for this, so I really tried

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: to give you my best answers.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I'm sure that if I could think about it, I

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: could come up with like 20 more reasons,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: but I hope this is helpful.

Harrison Wright:

No, it is helpful.

Harrison Wright:

Actually, it's some really really great

Harrison Wright:

insights here and I've really appreciated

Harrison Wright:

it a lot.

Harrison Wright:

I think our listeners will as well.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo, it's been really a pleasure to

Harrison Wright:

have you.

Harrison Wright:

Thanks for coming on.

Harrison Wright:

I'm putting you on the spot here again, but

Harrison Wright:

any final words of wisdom for our intrepid

Harrison Wright:

founders or aspiring founders.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I definitely encourage anybody to consider

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: being an entrepreneur.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Not everybody is born to be an entrepreneur.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You might not have the right personality,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the right risk appetite, but it's

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: definitely something that you might want to

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: consider, because maybe you haven't thought

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: about it and you will be great.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It's very hard.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: The chances of succeeding, at least in your

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: first entrepreneurial journey, are very low.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: 90% of startups fail within two years,

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: right, so don't be silly.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, understand what you're doing, be

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: prepared.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Failed within two years, right, so don't be

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: silly.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: You know, understand what you're doing, be

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: prepared.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Yet it's an amazing path, right, and you

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: can ask all the entrepreneurs that I met in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: my career, even the ones who are not

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: successful yet but might be successful in

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: the future.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Nobody regrets it and it and it's because

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: it's really like an amazing journey.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, yeah, don't be naive, don't be

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: egocentric.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Uh, learn, listen, keep your mind open, but

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: definitely consider being an entrepreneur.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: And specifically, web3 is our chance, guys.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It's our generation chance.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I think that it's an industry, it's a

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: market that is being built right in front

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: of us right now, and we have a generational

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: opportunity to be part of that.

Harrison Wright:

So go for it, but agree with that sentiment,

Harrison Wright:

and you know there's a.

Harrison Wright:

You could argue that being an entrepreneur

Harrison Wright:

is the ultimate vehicle for

Harrison Wright:

self-actualization, but that's veering way

Harrison Wright:

into philosophical territory and that could

Harrison Wright:

be a whole nother episode in itself.

Harrison Wright:

So I'll just park that thought there for

Harrison Wright:


Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo, thank you so much for coming on.

Harrison Wright:

If someone wants to get in touch with you,

Harrison Wright:

what's the best way for them to do so?

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Lorenzo Del Rio.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Hello for me on LinkedIn With my name and

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: last name, Lorenzo Del Rio.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Linkedin might be the easiest.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: It's where I'm active.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: Uh, I do Twitter as well.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: I think that would be better than email.

Harrison Wright:

Lorenzo de Leo: So, yeah, please reach out, say hi.

Harrison Wright:

And I always happy to network with smart

Harrison Wright:

people Awesome, Well, thank you so much.

Harrison Wright:

Thank you, Harrison.

Harrison Wright:

Thank you so much.

Harrison Wright:

Thanks everyone for listening.

Harrison Wright:

This has been the Blockchain Startup Show

Harrison Wright:

with Lorenzo D'Elia and we will see you

Harrison Wright:

next week.

Harrison Wright:

Talk soon.

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